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发布:王超 来源:物理教研组 日期:2018-12-19 人气:

Problems for the 32nd IYPT2019
1.Invent Yourself
Build a simple motor whose propulsion isbased on corona discharge. Investigate how the rotor's motion depends on relevantparameters and optimize your design for maximum speed at a fixed input voltage.
1. 你来发明

When water flows through a small aperture,an aerosol may be formed. Investigate the parameters that determine whetheran aerosol is formed rather than a jetforexample. What are the properties of the aerosol?
2. 气溶胶
3.Undertone Sound
Allow a tuning fork or another simpleoscillator to vibrate against a sheet of paper with a weak contact between them.The frequency of the resulting sound can have a lower frequency than the tuningfork’s fundamental frequency. Investigate this phenomenon.
3. 低音

4.Funnel and Ball
A light ball (e.g. Ping-Pong ball) can bepicked up with a funnel by blowing air through it. Explain the phenomenon andinvestigate the relevant parameters.
4. 漏斗与球

5.Filling Up a Bottle
When a vertical water jet enters a bottle,sound may be produced, and, as the bottle is filled up, the properties of thesound may change. Investigate how relevant parameters of the system such asspeed and dimensions of the jet, size and shape of the bottle or watertemperature affect the sound.
5. 填充瓶子

6.Hurricane Balls
Two steel balls that are joined togethercan be spun at incredibly high frequency by first spinning them by hand andthen blowing on them through a tube, e.g. a drinking straw. Explain andinvestigate this phenomenon.
6. 飓风球

7.Loud Voices
A simple cone-shaped or horn-shaped objectcan be used to optimise the transfer of the human voice to a remote listener.Investigate how the resulting acoustic output depends on relevant parameterssuch as the shape, size, and material of the cone.
7. 响亮的声音

8.Sci-Fi Sound
Tapping a helical spring can make a soundlike a “laser shot” in a science-fiction movie. Investigate and explain thisphenomenon.
8. 科幻之声

9.Soy Sauce Optics
Using a laser beam passing through a thinlayer (about 200 μm) of soy sauce the thermal lens effect can be observed.Investigate this phenomenon.
9. 酱油光学
以一束激光穿透一层薄的酱油(约200 μm),可以观察到热透镜效应。探究此现象。

10.Suspended Water Wheel
Carefully place a light object, such as aStyrofoam disk, near the edge of a water jet aiming upwards. Under certain conditions,the object will start to spin while being suspended. Investigate thisphenomenon and its stability to external perturbations.
10. 悬浮水轮

11.Flat Self-Assembly
Put a number of identical hardregular-shaped particles in a flat layer on top of a vibrating plate. Dependingon the number of particles per unit area, they may or may not form an orderedcrystal-like structure. Investigate the phenomenon.

12.Gyroscope Teslameter
A spinning gyroscope made from aconducting, but non-ferromagnetic material slows down when placed in a magneticfield. Investigate how the deceleration depends on relevant parameters.

13.Moiré Thread Counter
When a pattern of closely spacednon-intersecting lines (with transparent gaps in between) is overlaid on apiece of woven fabric, characteristic moiré fringes may be observed. Design anoverlay that allows you to measure the thread count of the fabric. Determinethe accuracy for simple fabrics (e.g. linen) and investigate if the method is reliablefor more complex fabrics (e.g. denim or Oxford cloth).

14.Looping Pendulum
Connect two loads, one heavy and one light,with a string over a horizontal rod and lift up the heavy load by pulling downthe light one. Release the light load and it will sweep around the rod, keepingthe heavy load from falling to the ground. Investigate this phenomenon.

15.Newton’s Cradle
The oscillations of a Newton's cradle willgradually decay until the spheres come to rest. Investigate how the rate of decayof a Newton's cradle depends on relevant parameters such as the number,material, and alignment of the spheres.
16.Sinking Bubbles
When a container of liquid (e.g. water)oscillates vertically, it is possible that bubbles in the liquid move downwardsinstead of rising. Investigate this phenomenon.
17.Popsicle Chain Reaction
Wooden popsicle sticks can be joinedtogether by slightly bending each of them so that they interlock in a so-called“cobraweave” chain. When such a chain has one ofits ends released, the sticks rapidly dislodge, and a wave front travels alongthe chain. Investigate the phenomenon.